Dang it's been a quick minute since my last post. I've been very busy with school, even though I only attend half of my classes regularly. Sad to say huh? Well regardless I've been debating on the general direction I want to lead with
lifelostinreverie. I'm somewhat torn between simply posting what I find intersting (esentially reposting from other blogs?) or letting the world see glimpses of my personal life. So far I've been an ardent follower of the former but I've come to the conclusion to take this project seriously and much more personally. So expect to see tri-weekly updates on cool hunting and life's little adventures through the iris' of a young distraught latino male.
To kick off my comeback I present to you
Zee Avi, a gret new artist hailing from Borneo, of all places. She's already attracted a great deal of attention through her viral videos even going so far as to getting signed by Jack Johnson and his Brushfire record label. She's currently touring the U.S. promoting her soon to be released debut album.
With such a smooth and soft spoken perkiness to her melodic tales of love and it's follies. She truly presents a treat for all to hear.
Be sure to check her myspace page (
www.myspace.com/zeeavi) and listen to my personal favorite "Poppy." This young lady is going places.