Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Gran Torino

Did you know CSULB has a full blown movie theatre on campus in the USU? Well to be honest I didn't but after seeing an advertisement for Gran Torino in the Union I decided to give it a try. Now even though the springs poked out of the seats in the theatre I can't really complain. I mean I had the entire theatre to myself (is that sad?) well regardless it was definitely worth the $2 admission. Having spoken with a few friends and asking how they felt about the film it was pretty unanimous and well frankly I have to agree. The best $2 I've spent in a long time. You won't be disappointed.


Much thanks to the CSULB Program Council for putting this screening together.
Be sure to check out the link to stay up to date on upcoming events at the beach.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Takeuchi Taijin (Wolf and Pig)

Stumpled upon thisstop-motion video while peeping BOOOOOOOM. The video was produced, edited and filmed by Takeuchi Taijin. Simply austounding, your in for a treat.

(p.s. I"m diggin' the soundtrack, reminds me of my snes days)

Thanks to BOOOOOOOM for the heads up. Peep the link for the original post.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Simply amazing

Pause the playlist on the page and play this video if you know what's good for you!

Without further ado,
Peter Bjorn & John’s Nothing To Worry About, directed by Andreas and Filip Nilsson.


Black leather jackets check
Dark skinny raw denim check
Slicked back hair check
Japanese Rockabilly check
Break dancing check
Peter Bjorn and John check
Awesomeness check